

After a career of desk jobs, I knew I needed to get myself physically active again so the first place I headed for was the “Y”.  Finally I could take morning water aerobics classes!  MondayWednesday and Friday mornings – rain or shine, summer or winter – water aerobics comes first.

It’s always sunny and 70° in the pool room.  The water, the lighting, the instructors and my 25+ classmates are always what I look forward to. 

A few years later I discovered yoga classes. I tried regular yoga but wasn’t ready for it so I enrolled in gentle yoga. It was wonderful to be able to stretch and reach farther and higher than I thought I could.

These two classes have given me a feeling of reverse aging!  My doctor comments on my agility, strength and the fact that my blood pressure has gone down. This is all good, considering I just turned 80 years old!

Another plus is living less than a mile from the facility.  When moving downtown eight years ago, one more perk was being able to strap on a backpack and either walk or ride a bike to class. I cannot imagine how far I would have to drive to get to a pool! 

This is one more benefit for those moving downtown!