Open letter to the City of Muskegon

February 20, 2019

There is Very Little Time: We are currently at clear risk of losing another precious resource that has served our community for decades: the MCC Lake Shore Fitness Center located at 900 W. Western Avenue next to Heritage Landing. This is happening right now and we have less than six months to act. We have formed a Friends group who is working closely with MCC and facility management with a promise for open, inclusive, transparent process to help, in a variety of ways, to keep the fitness center where it is. The December, 2018 story in the Muskegon Chronicle about pool repairs ignited concerns that MCC will close the Fitness Center. We need you now! 

The Mission of the Friends of Muskegon Lake Shore Fitness Center is to sustain and enhance the Fitness Center as a public health asset at its current waterfront site. It should include all current facilities to serve all ages - children, adults and families - at an affordable cost.

Deeply linked to the roots of our community, this facility has been a true melting pot for people from all walks of life and must continue. Uniquely diverse, crossing the generations, fostering healthy lifestyles, friendships, a sense of family, fun, accessible to anyone – all inextricably connected as a living example of “place” already here, with a growing membership, recent investments for repairs, new equipment and serving the community for decades. The potential, including the waterfront, is limitless. 

What Happened to the Y? Many of us associate this facility as the Muskegon YMCA on the lake shore. Facing insurmountable financial difficulties, the Muskegon YMCA was forced to seek relief in August 2015. Looking to expand its presence in Muskegon (and to indirectly protect the YMCA’s Camp Pendalouan), Muskegon Community College (MCC) agreed to purchase the facility for $1.7 million. The acquisition was finalized August, 2016. The YMCA currently operates the camp and a “non-facility YMCA” office on 3rd Street facilitating health and wellness programs throughout Muskegon County. MCC administration has given the Friends access to all documents. 

MCC Concerns and Pressure: MCC’s Board of Trustees and Administration are now facing considerable pressure from faculty and apparently some students to divest of the fitness center and possibly the property due to deficits and competing priorities. They ask “why should MCC be in the fitness business?” Our research has confirmed many colleges operate fitness centers successfully and most are subsidized. MCC has made a considerable investment, don’t throw it away! 

Developers: Rumors are true. MCC has offers for the property, presumably from developers who are interested in high-end housing projects on available lake front property. To be clear: We support sensible development that doesn’t wreck our city or burden tax payers; not on that site. 

What You Can Do! As residents of the City of Muskegon and loyal members from around the community, there is very limited time to speak up about our desire to preserve the memories and opportunities for shared community recreation and connection made possible by this heritage facility and location. Meetings with MCC board and president have taken place and our goal is to help with solutions and advocacy for a great outcome and facility. 

We believe the Lake Shore Fitness Center is... 

An irreplaceable community asset, supported by our tax dollars for years!, to serve our community in a perfect location for active families, working adults, youth and seniors. 

An anchor facility to enhance any development and key Muskegon’s future

One of the few places accessible to people from all walks of life specific to affordability, diversity, with rich traditions in a perfect location, central to all. 

A community center that has unlimited potential for programing especially considering the potential of the site, proximity to the bike trail, waterfront, transit and central location

Absolutely unique especially with legacy of serving Muskegon’s diverse community for decades, 

A“place” that should continue to serve a membership that is diverse, crosses the generations and can be so much more. 

An absolute asset to a growing Muskegon that, operating at full potential, adds to the ambiance and livability of city center Muskegon, enhancing proposed developments and peripheral neighborhoods. SO IT’S TIME TO GET TO WORK RIGHT NOW 

A proven asset that encourages active, healthy lifestyles for individuals, families, working adults and seniors continuing to provide quality facilities often not accessible to many segments of the population.

Loss of Public Access: It has been said that, historically, industry prevented Muskegon’s citizens from accessing the shoreline of Muskegon Lake. We now face the reality that private purchase of publicly owned and/or properties serving community residents will prevent access to the lake shore in the future. We DO NOT want a condo-glut that other communities deeply regret! We support sensible development, transparent, inclusive process and enhancing the tax base. We oppose fast track projects, limited public involvement and tax abatements. To that end, we ought to play a little hard to get! 

Please Join Us to Save the Fitness Center! Members and community agree, Save the fitness center. If you share our concern and want to hold onto a great community resource along with a piece of history, please request membership on the “Friends of Muskegon Lake Shore Fitness Center” on Facebook. 

There is a lot of information to share, new urgency after attending MCC board meeting last week!

Meetings: We also ask your participation in meetings to discuss possible solutions/financing to save this resource by joining us when we meet this Wednesday, February 27, @ 5 pm in the All Purpose Room at MCC Lake Shore Fitness Center at 900 W Western Avenue. 

Please “Like” the Facebook Page: Pictures of the property are available on the Friends of Muskegon Lake Shore Fitness Center group Facebook page for anyone who is unfamiliar with the property or needs to be reminded of what a great community resource the property is and can become.

Post your thoughts and ideas. 

Meetings will be focused and efficient. 

Goal is for positive collaboration with everyone, transparency, and great outcome. 

Spread the word. 

Thanks For Your Time And Consideration!

james sparling